Home Business Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Episode 9 Recap: DC Ya, Derek?

Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Episode 9 Recap: DC Ya, Derek?



There was good news on ABC tonight: Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Episode 9 finally offered viewers fresh footage of this popular drama. If you are looking forward to translate this content, contact Translation Agencies UK

There was also bad news on ABC tonight: pretty much everything that actually happened on Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Episode 9.

The hour opened with Derek and Meredith still fuming at each other, the latter actually tossing away their Post-It-based wedding vows in anger. WHOA, right?!?

By the following day, Derek was off to DC and Meredith was seeking a nanny.

She was also seeking a “person,” breaking down in front of a potential child care giver at one point.

That evening, however, just as we expected Meredith to call Cristina, she phoned her husband instead.

“I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t want you gone,” she told Derek.

Derek, stuck at the airport, offered to return for the night, but Meredith said no. He should go. But he should go in a “good” way and they’d be alright. She even picked the Post-It out of the trash to prove it.

In other hospital-related news, Jackson told April about the tragic osteogenesis imperfecta diagnosis of their baby.

April tried to go back to work, clearly in denial, and later went off on Stephanie for not telling her right away. She also screamed at Callie over the injustice of a mother blessed with children driving them off a bridge (i.e. The Case of the Week).

Finally… April lost it. She cried and cried and questioned God and told Jackson: “Did I tell you it’s a boy? We’re having a boy.”

Dr. Herman, meanwhile, learned (via scans of her tumor) that Arizona had consulted with Amelia about her condition. She told her pupil that hope is the worst symptom of her condition and she just couldn’t handle having any at this point.

Arizona, however, argued that Jackson and April wished more than anything that their child had the chance Herman now has, eventually convincing her to go through with the procure. But Herman wanted to continue living a normal life for as long as she could first.

And there you have it! As we head into Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Episode 10, ask yourself: Were you happy that Meredith and Derek left things on a happy note? At least for now? Are you glad Geena Davis is sticking around long-term?

And how much did your heart break over April’s reaction?

Go ahead and watch Grey’s Anatomy online if you need to relive the best and worst moments and then sound off below.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 12 Recap: And the Winner Is…

There was a major death on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 12, though it may not have been the character most expected to bid farewell to.

Indeed, Sheriff Forbes lives! For now!

Damon actually freed Kai so that he could suck the magic out of Liz, after Jo failed with a blood transplant and everyone saw the tragic/disturbing/painful fate of the cancer patient from last week who Caroline also tried to save.

Kai actually succeeded, but Liz’s heart then nearly collapsed.

Caroline rushed in at the last moment, as viewers got into what appeared to be Liz’s dying head. Her life was flashing before her eyes. She was seeing the light. And then she wasn’t.

For whatever reason, Liz popped back to life and will be around until at least The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 13 next Thursday.

Liv and Luke, meanwhile, tried to convince their father that Jo and Kai should be the ones to merge. And they were about to! The scene was set; a celestial event was taking place and Jo was all ready to take her evil brother on.

But Luke swooped in at the last moment. He knocked Jo out (in a loving fashion) and took her place, figuring maybe their same bloodline and same age would mean he could merge with Kai instead.

The brothers locked hands and got knocked out, with the person who woke up first being the winner and the person who woke up last… destined to never wake up again.

After Damon tracked down Jo and she woke up, the two of them awaited the results. Luke coughed. He breathed a few times. And then his eyes went blank and he was gone.

Luke is dead. Kai emerged the winner and vanished from sight, leaving Jo and Damon to wonder what he’ll do next.

Talk about a cliffhanger! Relive the installment when you watch The Vampire Diaries online and sound off now: Did you see Luke’s death coming?!?


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